
This file is intended to summarize the data within your recent i2b2 data pull.
The data in this file was prepared for and solely intended for user ‘insert username’. Data current as of ‘insert date and time of file generation’
For questions or comments, please contact
[email protected]
For details on Data Puller fields see website:
CTSI-clopedia Data Dictionary


General Summary Table: excludes missing (NA) data for each variable
  n                          762        
  AGE_NOW (mean (sd))      73.03 (16.88)
  AGE_AT_DEATH (mean (sd)) 72.34 (13.14)
  GENDER = M (%)             495 (65.0) 
  RACE (%)                              
     B                        92 (12.1) 
     I                         1 ( 0.1) 
     R                         1 ( 0.1) 
     U                         5 ( 0.7) 
     W                       655 (86.0) 
     X                         8 ( 1.0) 
  MIXED_RACE (%)                        
     U-W                       1 ( 7.1) 
     W-I                      12 (85.7) 
     W-W                       1 ( 7.1) 
  ETHNICITY (%)                         
     H                         8 ( 1.6) 
     N                       487 (97.4) 
     P                         3 ( 0.6) 
     U                         2 ( 0.4) 

NIH Demographic Variable Breakdown
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
Ethnicity Hisp Hisp Non-Hisp Non-Hisp Unkn Unkn
Gender_Long Female Male Female Male Female Male
Amer_Indian_Alask_Natv 0 0 1 0 0 0
Black_AA 0 0 24 42 17 9
Multi 0 0 1 1 5 7
Other 2 4 1 1 0 0
Unkn 0 0 0 0 0 5
White_Caucasian 0 2 142 274 74 150


Observations: 153086
Unique Patients: 762
Unique Visits: 153086
Unique Visits per PAT_NUM:
  Mean Median Min  Max    SD
 200.9    105   1 2269 265.4
Date Variable Summary:
 Min.   :1983   Min.   :1900   
 1st Qu.:2008   1st Qu.:2011   
 Median :2014   Median :2014   
 Mean   :2012   Mean   :2012   
 3rd Qu.:2016   3rd Qu.:2016   
 Max.   :2019   Max.   :2019   
 NA's   :4745   NA's   :73759  
General Summary Table: excludes missing (NA) data for each variable
  n                           153086        
  START_DATE (mean (sd))     2011.67 (6.00) 
  END_DATE (mean (sd))       2012.08 (6.28) 
  LENGTH_OF_STAY (mean (sd))    5.61 (38.18)